Robert Jahnke is a marketing specialist. He is based out of the USA. He has spent considerable time in helping small businesses grow in revenue and profits. He has been an active member of BNI. He has developed many easily and affordably deployable marketing programs for small businesses.
The MSME sector has received a tremendous boost in India. However, the players have to compete against the large corporates for business. Robert believes that he is a position to help Indian companies find their own marketing appeal from an assortment of marketing tools available to them.
Robert rises above the cliche'd phrases like digital marketing, email campaigns, SEO, outward call centre, etc. He focuses on developing the strategy for each company and once frozen, fabricates the most effective tactic for executing the strategy.
Robert has prepared a video to introduce himself. You can access that by clicking here
We believe you can get some critical insights about your own business by participating in the mastermind program. If you find the Robert's commentary appealing, you may wish to join the program.